Brocade Essential Direct Support 4-Hour Onsite
Brocade Essential Direct Support 4-Hour Onsite - Uitgebreide serviceovereenkomst (verlenging) - onderdelen en werkuren - 1 jaar - ter plaatse - response-tijd: 4 h - voor Brocade 300

10779.2 € incl. btw
8908.43 € excl. btw
GEEN VOORRAAD (aangepast)
Brocade thoroughly understands the advanced level of technical support required for maintaining large networked storage environments. Brocade has the expertise to help ensure maximum availability of mission-critical Storage Area Network (SAN), Channel Extension, and File Area Network (FAN) resources in these complex, multi-vendor environments. Brocade Direct Support provides a flexible and cost-effective approach to ongoing maintenance for products purchased through Brocade, Brocade OEM Partners, or Brocade solution providers.¦Through Brocade Direct Support, customers have a single support contact for all Brocade hardware and software, and direct access to Brocade Support resources. This one-on-one relationship streamlines the delivery of Brocade Support services and helps accelerate problem resolution, while reducing overall support costs. |
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* De voorraden en leveringstermijnen kunnen op elk moment gewijzigd worden.