IBM System x Lab Services

IBM System x Lab Services - Technische ondersteuning - advies - 1 dag - ter plaatse
2584.96 incl. btw
2136.33 € excl. btw
GEEN VOORRAAD (aangepast)
Categorie Systeem Service & Support
Fabrikant LENOVO
Modèle System x Lab Services
Model IBM
Artikel nummer 95Y4049
Businesses today are increasingly dependent on information technology. But if your systems aren't running at maximum efficiency, the entire organization's productivity can be affected. And with the rapid evolution and complexity of today's computing environment, the need for responsive support of all kinds is greater than ever.
To help maximize your technology investment, businesses need to have access to a wide variety of specialized support resources. IBM has responded to this need by providing a convenient and affordable way for business of all sizes to access maintenance services available from IBM.
ProductbeschrijvingIBM System x Lab Services - technische ondersteuning - 1 dag - ter plaatse
TypeTechnische ondersteuning
Onderhoud inbegrepenAdvies
Volledige contractperiode1 dag
LocatieTer plaatse
Prijzen en informatie onder voorbehoud van fouten of weglatingen – Niet-contractuele foto's
* De voorraden en leveringstermijnen kunnen op elk moment gewijzigd worden.


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